If you subscribed for premium content on pornhub, do not worry because you can cancel pornhub premium at any time you wish.
Maybe you subscribed to check out something or there was this premium porn video you really wanted to see.
What if you don’t want to do it anymore?
This post promises to help you cancel pornhub premium.
You must also note that, once you cancel your pornhub premium subscription, you will lose access to all the premium content in the pornhub community.
So be sure you really want to do this before proceeding further.
Still, want to cancel your premium subscription?
It’s all good! Let’s get started.
How to cancel pornhub premium
There are 3 methods through which you can cancel the pornhub premium subscription.
You either cancel by phone, chat, or online form.
As at the time of updating this post, there was no option for you to log in to your account and initiate the cancellation.
The only options are the ones listed above.
To cancel visit the pornhub premium cancel page and choose one of the contact channels that is more convenient for you.
If it’s by phone, simply put a call through.
If it’s via chat, just send your message stating that you want to cancel your porn premium subscription.
For the online form option, you will need to log in to the pornhub premium account that you want to cancel to be able to submit this form.
Now you know how to cancel a pornhub premium account.
Go ahead and cancel now if you don’t wish to continue.
In a related article, I shared how you can download pronhub videos.
If you still have premium access, you can the method linked above to download all the premium pornhub videos before downgrading.
Don’t know how to go about downloading it?
Click the above-linked text to learn how to download it NOW!
If you have any questions or contributions regarding this post, feel free to leave them in the comment.

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