After reading this post, you will know how to launch a Whatsapp video call.
Whatsapp is an instant messaging app for Android and iOS.
So in the course of this article, you will learn more about Whatsapp group video calls on both platforms.
WhatsApp group calling enables members to video call one another.
The first contact mentioned on the WhatsApp group video call screen when you get one is the person who added you.
This happens whenever a group video call is received.
The history of group video calls will show up under CALLS.
To see each call participant individually, hit the call history.
In case missed calls are still in progress, you can join them.
Whatsapp group video call for Android
On Android, you can make group video calls from a group chat, call tab, or individual tab.
Make a group video call from a group chat
1. Open the WhatsApp group chat you want to video call.
2. If your group chat has 32 or fewer participants, tap Video call and confirm your decision.
Note: If there are more than 32, tap Group call and select up to 32 people to join your video call. Then tap Video call.
Make a group video call from the Calls tab
1. Open WhatsApp, then tap the Calls tab.
2. Tap New Call > New Group Call.
3. Find the contacts you want to add to the call, then tap Video Call.
Make a group video call from an individual chat
1. Open the WhatsApp chat with one of the contacts you want to video call.
2. Tap Video Call.
3. Once the contact accepts the call, tap Open > Add Participant.
4. Find another contact you want to add to the call, then tap Add.
5. Tap Add Participant to add more contacts.
Joining a Whatsapp group video call
1. You’ll receive a notification when someone invites you to join a group video call.
2. Tap the notification to open the call info screen.
3. From this screen, you can preview the call participants and other invitees.
4. Tap Join to join the call.
5. While on the call, tap Open to open the call info screen.
— Tap Add Participant to add more contacts to the call.
— Tap Ring to send a notification to people who’ve already been invited.
Join a missed group video call through the calls tab
1. If the call is ongoing, tap the call you’d like to join. This will open the call info screen.
2. From the call menu, tap Join.
Join missed group video calls through a group chat
If the call was started from a group chat, you can join by opening that chat and tapping Join.
Mute someone else
You can mute other participants in a group call.
To do so, tap and hold on to the participant’s name.
Then press Mute.
The participant can unmute themself at any time by tapping the microphone icon.
You can message a participant directly on a group call by tapping and holding their tile.
Few points to note
— Only 8 participants can be active on a video call at one time.
— Make sure you and your contacts have strong internet connections when placing or receiving group video calls.
The quality of the video call will depend on the contact with the weakest connection.
— During a group video call, you can turn your video off by tapping Video Off.
— You can’t remove a contact during a group video call.
The contact would need to hang up their phone to disconnect from the call.
— You can be in a group video call with someone you’ve blocked.
However, you can’t add a contact that you’ve blocked to the call or a contact that has blocked you.
Whatsapp group video call for iOS
This same method applies to iOS users.
What that implies is the same method for Whatsapp group video call on Android is the same for iOS.
If you did not really take your time to read the steps because you an iOS user, then you might want to go back and have the information digested.