A lot of new nursing mothers tend to masturbate while breastfeeding.
In this article, you will get to find out if it’s normal masturbate while breastfeeding or not.
I tend to avoid many of the sexual-related articles and I don’t claim any special insight as an expert (though I DID spend last night at a Holiday Inn Express); however, I will supply an answer.
Apparently, nursing does ignite the sexual urge in post-birth women.
This has been researched and shown to be very common.
I will let others Google the research studies.
The problem is that our society is so very hung up on sexuality that women are shamed and made to feel perverse or unfit mothers because they experience these normal — and healthy — urges.
Now, if you read the popular press you are no doubt aware that post-delivery, many women lose the sexual urge either partially or completely and that many women experience post-partum depression. This is not uncommon at all.
With breastfeeding, the sexual urge is nourished as is the infant. Breastfeeding is natural and this natural act may help overcome post-partum depression as well as a diminished sex drive.
In other words, breastfeeding is not only healthy for the baby, it is healthy for the mother and one of the ways a woman can heal completely from the stress of childbirth: It is nature’s way of restoring women holistically.
Far from being unnatural or perverted or shameful, this is a wonderful and healthy experience affirming life and hope and happiness in the woman who bears a child. In your own way, celebrate this as part of the miracle of being a fertile woman.
This is proof that you were meant to be happy.
The urge is normal but I cannot say whether or not you should masturbate at the same time as you are breastfeeding.
It might be best to do that later, after nursing.
But the urge is at least a natural, wonderful thing.
The father of your child might welcome an opportunity to assist you with this urge.
Best Wishes and Congratulations on your newborn!