If you are a fan of adult entertainment, and you know about Skokka, you might want to know other sites that perform the same service.
This post is just for that.
After reading this post, you will get to know almost 100 other sites like Skokka.
How much porn can one man look at in a lifetime?
There has to be a limit, right? At least in the short term?
What I mean is, at some point, porn is going to get old, and you’re going to have to actually go out into the real world and get some pussy.
Porn is, of course, only meant to get us through periodic bouts of no sex, short lengths of time in which we are, for one reason or another, not getting laid.
It was never meant to completely replace sex in our lives! But, then again, getting some real pussy can be, at times, easier said than done.
It’s not always that simple, right?
Some of us are so busy with work that we just don’t have the time to go through all the motions of getting laid.
First, you have to meet a girl.
Then you have to take her out for drinks and dinner.
Maybe you have to go to a play or a movie or some other bullshit.
Then you have to get her to come back to your place with her (or if you’re married, hope she asks you back to hers).
Then you have to pray that she is going to put out and not make you wait for two or three more dates beforehand.
It’s just a lot of fucking hassle.
For a busy guy on the go, there has to be an easier way…
Well, there is one option that you may or may not have entertained in the past.
You can always order an escort.
If you have a bit of extra cash lying around and you’re growing tired of your hand being the only touch you get these days, it certainly can’t hurt to give it a shot.
What have you got to lose? Well, unless you’re married, then I suppose you have your whole life to lose. But some of these Indian escorts, man, I have to say … worth it!
And don’t get too caught up on the whole paying for sex thing. Everybody pays for sex in one way or another. There is no such thing as free sex. Think about it, even if you do find a hot girl who wants to go out with you (and possibly fuck you at the end of the date … possibly), you’re still going to have to take her to get drinks and dinner and, as I said earlier, possibly to a movie or a show or a concert.
By the end of the night, you will easily have spent the same amount you would drop on a high-quality escort. And you won’t even be guaranteed sex! With all this considered, it just seems like the fiscally responsible decision, simply ordering an escort. Not only do you spend the same amount of money, but you save on time too. Which, of course, is priceless.
It’s Never Been Easier to Pay for Sex
But where to find an escort? These days it isn’t like it used to be. You don’t just find a slutty looking chick on the street and let her blow you in your car for cash. No, the rules are different now. And, actually, things are much easier thanks to the internet. Now all you have to do is go to a website, peruse all your options, make contact, and sit back and wait for her to arrive. Paying for sex has never been easier. What a beautiful time to be alive.
But what site should you use? There are a fuck ton of them out there to choose from. And, obviously, some are going to be better than others. You have to be careful in choosing your escort site. There are lots of scam artists out there looking to rip you off. You want to choose an escort ad site that you can trust. And I am here to help you find that site, starting with Skokka.
Maybe you’ve heard of Skokka before. It’s a fairly well-known adult classifieds site. On it, in addition to sexy call girls, you can also find erotic massages, male escorts, transsexual escorts, lesbians, gay escorts, fellow swingers, and adult meetups. Plus, much like any classifieds site out there, you can post any services or desires of your own. It’s a one-stop shop for all things sex in India.
User-Friendly Site Design
Once you navigate your browser over to the Call Girls section of Skokka, you’re ready to get to browsing. The setup and layout of the site is quite simple and should be very easy to use. At the very top of the page, you’ll be able to customize your search and widen or narrow your search results as you see fit. Here, you can type in a keyword (suggestions on site: Housewife, Sexy, Girl), select a state, select a city, and hit search. Or, if you’re open to travel and want to keep the search to the entirety of India, you are more than welcome to do so as well.
Once you decide on your search parameters, you will be able to access all the call girl ads available on Skokka. They will appear in a list format, showing one image, the location, the girl’s age, post title, a preview of the ad’s body info, and how many photos the post contains. Here, you can scroll and scroll and scroll until you reach the bottom of the page, upon which you will find plenty of pages to browse through.
Once you find a post that catches you eye, click it and see what there is to see. Some girls have very in-depth profiles with tons of information about them, what they like, what they look like, what they’ll do for you, what their hobbies and interests are, etc. Others will be very straight forward and to the point, not wasting any time with superfluous information. You can choose what you prefer.
If you like a more intimate, personable experience, you’ll probably want to go with a girl who put some thought and care into her post. If you don’t care about all that bullshit, though, and you just want a girl who’s gonna suck you dry and leave, maybe follow up with one of those to the point ads. The choice is yours.
Most of the ads have at least one or two photos. Some girls will post more, but it is all on a case by case scenario. In my browsing, though, I will say that I haven’t come across any ads containing zero pics. Which is, surprisingly, a rarity on escort directory sites such as these. You wouldn’t believe how many posts I’ve seen on other sites in which the girl just didn’t include pics. Who the fuck’s trying to order a mystery call girl?
The post will also have all the relevant information you need in order to call your call girl. Some girls list their Whatsapp number only. Others link Whatsapp and post their personal phone numbers. Whatever she lists, you can always reply to the ad directly through Skokka, which is great. You can also send the ad to a friend in case you come across a girl that you know is just your friend’s type, I suppose. I can’t see myself doing such a thing, kinda weird, but, hey, to each his own.
Everything You Could Want Out of an Escort Directory, But…
All in all, I think Skokka could be a good place to go if you’re in the market for a call girl. The site is designed well, it’s easy to use, posts tend to be informative and helpful, every post at least has one pic, I didn’t come across any posts that I suspected to be scams (but, then again, it’s usually hard to tell until you actually start chatting with her … so, just use your fucking brain), and the girls are all remarkably attractive from what I could see.
Whether you are a veteran appreciator of the call girl lifestyle or you have never ordered an escort and have always been curious, Skokka seems like it will be a good site for you to try. The only downside, which is actually a complaint I tend to have with most escort ad sites is that there is no way to see reviews of the girls. I think more sites really need to embrace this because it’s so crucial to the whole process of ordering an escort. You wouldn’t hire someone to perform a task without vetting them first, would you? You wouldn’t hire, say, a roofer to fix your roof without knowing a bit about him, right? So why should we be expected to order an escort to service our dicks with no way of knowing whether or not she does a good job?
But I digress. The site is definitely one of the better escort sites I’ve seen in a while.